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Secondary or Seasonal Home

Vacation home, no problem. As long as the residence is occupied a total of three months throughout the year, we will accept it as a HO3 or Basic Choice with no restrictions.

4 Point Inspection

No need for a four-point home inspection, regardless of the age of construction. People’s Trust does not require a four-point home inspection in order to bind coverage!

Dwelling Limit

Do you have a market for High Value Homes? Did you know we offer up to $2,400,000 in Dwelling Coverage! Quote your high value home with us today!

Home Age Limit

Did you know that we do not have an age limit on homes? Place that risk no matter how old it is. We’re here to help you get that policy bound!

FBC Credit w/o Wind Mitigation

No Wind Mit, No Problem! We’re more than happy to give your clients the FBC credit with just a simple final roof permit.

Opening protection

Is your client prepared for Hurricane Season? Do you have a Wind Mitigation inspection indicating A1, A2, or A3 opening protection credits? Did you know at People’s Trust we accept A1, A2, and A3 as CLASS A opening protection? Contact us today to find out about all of the discounts available.

Roof Overlays

Did you know that we do accept a metal roof installed over a shingle roof. When in doubt, contact underwriting for further assistance.

Concrete Roof

Are you looking for coverage for a home with a concrete roof? Look no further, we accept concrete roofs up to 30 years of age. Quote with us today!