🏫 Get to know our new Flood Rater
We’re excited to introduce our brand-new PTI Flood Rater, available exclusively to PTI-appointed agents. This tool is your new go-to for quick flood insurance quotes and simplified application submission:
- Faster Rates: Get multiple quotes in 30 seconds or less
- Expanded Carrier Options: These include PTI Flood, our new NFIP policy, and up to 11 private flood carriers, giving you a wide range of options.
- Seamless Integration: Submit applications directly within the rating system, streamlining the “homework” for new business and renewals.
- No Additional Appointments Needed
- Competitive Commissions
- No Monthly Fee
To access the PTI Flood Rater, simply log in to our Agency Portal (note that this is separate from Slate). The Agency Owner must first log in, select the Flood Insurance tab on the top menu bar, and accept the Sub-producer Agreement. Once acknowledged, all agency users will be ready to start quoting—just enter the address, confirm property information, and watch the rates flow in!
For more details about our Flood program, click here.
📝 Brush up on Slate Training & Tools
As we head “back to school,” it’s the perfect time to sharpen your skills with our new Policy Management System, Slate.
- To get started, log in to Slate using the following link: pti.slateinsure.com. Once logged in, you can create new quotes, access your existing ones, and manage your entire book of business all in one place.
- Not sure how to fully navigate Slate? We created quick reference guides & training videos to make this transition easy for you. Click here to get started and bookmark this link for future easy access.
🖥️ Stay updated with our IVANS Update
Due to the launch of Slate, we experienced a brief interruption with the IVANS download process. But don’t worry—we’re catching up! Starting on August 15th, we’ve been diligently processing the backlog of data, starting on July 4th. We expect this to be completed soon, and the daily download process will resume as normal.
During this period, you’ll notice multiple download transactions daily until we’re fully caught up.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Agency Support: agencysupport@pti.insure or 561-235-7004.