Financial Strength
The financial health of our business is the cornerstone of our decision-making. A large part of that rests on our reinsurance program which is backed by a diverse group of highly-rated partners in the private market. We have a strong balance sheet and substantial surplus, which ultimately ensures that we can restore our policyholders to pre-loss conditions following a catastrophic storm.
As a result, People’s Trust has received a Financial Stability Rating® (FSR) of "A" Exceptional from Demotech, Inc. an independent financial analysis firm*. When you select People's Trust Insurance as the Florida Home Insurance company to protect your insured, you can rest assured we have the financial strength, stability, and partnerships to keep policyholders protected when disaster strikes.

What is Reinsurance?
Reinsurance is insurance for insurance companies. It helps carriers like People’s Trust Insurance manage their risk and cover potential losses after catastrophic events, like hurricanes. In addition to using their reserves to cover the cost of claims, insurance companies can also be reimbursed for some claims by a reinsurer.
Why is Reinsurance Important?
Reinsurance is critical to an insurance company's stability. It gives them the ability to issue payments to claimants in a concentrated area. Demotech, Inc. has reaffirmed our Financial Stability Rating® (FSR) of “A,” Exceptional. Demotech is an independent financial analysis firm. Which defines it as “exceptional - expect 97% survival rate, regardless of economic/insurance cycle downturn.”
You can verify People’s Trust Insurance’s current Financial Stability Rating at
*The most current Financial Stability Rating must be verified by visiting Financial Stability Rating is a registered trademark of Demotech, Inc.