People’s Trust Insurance Filing Changes
Please find our most up-to-date Underwriting guidelines here:
Underwriting Snapshot & Product Comparison Guide
Please see below the new and revised forms that will be implemented with this rate filing for both HO3 and Basic Choice policies.
The new effective dates for these filings are:
- New Business: 08/11/2023
- Renewals: 09/24/2023
IMPORTANT NOTE: On a base policy for both the HO3 (P003 0323, Page 5 & 6) and Basic Choice (BCFL001 0323, Page 5 & 6), solar panels, solar roofs, or solar water heating systems will now be completely excluded under Coverage A and B.
Please see below the form language of what we do not cover:
- Solar panel(s)”, “solar roof(s)”, or “solar water heating system(s)” or any of their
components such as, but not limited to, pipes supplying and returning water to “solar
panel(s)”, inverters, batteries, mounting poles, mounting brackets, or interconnecting
wiring associated with “solar panel(s)”, “solar roof(s)”, and/or “solar water heating
system(s)”, all whether attached to the dwelling or not, including the cost to remove,
reset and/or replace “solar panel(s)”, “solar roof(s)”, and/or “solar water heating
system(s)”, whether affecting repairs to covered property to which it is attached or not.
This filing includes a new Optional Solar Panel(s) and Solar Water Heating System(s) Coverage endorsement. Policies that exclude Windstorm/Hail are not eligible for this endorsement. Please refer to HOFL E031 0323 and BCFL E031 0323.
Policy Form Changes
The following forms have been added or revised:
- Revised HO APP 0723, Homeowners Application
- Revised D001 0323, Homeowners Declarations Page
- Revised P003 0323, Homeowners 3 – Special Form
- Revised HOFL E006 0323, Personal Property Replacement Cost Loss Settlement
- Revised HOFL E022 0323, Golf Cart Coverage Endorsement
- Revised HOFL E027 0323, Equipment Breakdown Endorsement
- Revised HOFL E028 0323, Buried Utility Lines Coverage
- New HOFL E031 0323, Solar Panel(s) and Solar Water Heating System(s) Coverage
- *Revised NOCPT 0323, Notice of Change in Policy Terms
- Revised HO3 OC 0323, Outline of Coverage
- Revised HOFL E012 0323, Sinkhole Loss Endorsement
- Revised HOFL RJRD 0723, Roof Deductible Rejection
- Revised HOFL E030 0723, Roof Deductible – Standard Option
- **Revised NOCPT 0723, Notice of Change in Policy Terms (Additional Document to NOCPT 0323)
*NOCPT 0323 will be batched out on renewals that have the new coverage changes concerning Solar Panels, endorsements, etc.
**NOCPT 0723 will be batched out on renewal policies if the “Standard Option” roof deductible is applied for the first time.
- Revised DP APP 0723, Basic Choice Dwelling Application
- Revised DP D001 0323, Basic Choice Dwelling Declarations Page
- Revised BCFL001 0323, Basic Choice Dwelling Fire Form
- Revised BCFL0009 0323, Personal Property Replacement Cost Loss Settlement
- Revised BCFL0019 0323, Equipment Breakdown Endorsement
- Revised BCFL0020 0323, Buried Utility Lines Coverage
- New BCFLE031 0323, Solar Panel(s) and Solar Water Heating System(s) Coverage;
- *Revised DP NOCPT 0323, Notice of Change in Policy Terms
- Revised DP1 OC 0323, Outline of Coverage
- Revised BCFL0010 0323, Sinkhole Loss Endorsement
- Revised BCFL RJRD 0723, Roof Deductible Rejection
- Revised BCFL RJRD 0723, Roof Deductible – Standard Option
- **Revised DP NOCPT 0723, Notice of Change in Policy Terms (Additional Document to NOCPT 0323)
*NOCPT 0323 will be batched out on renewals that have the new coverage changes concerning Solar Panels, endorsements, etc.
**NOCPT 0723 will be batched out on renewal policies if the “Standard Option” roof deductible is applied for the first time.
If you have questions about these changes or forms, please call Underwriting at 561-609-1001 or click here to chat.