Due to the current market environment, we are no longer accepting applications for binding new business as of end-of-business Tuesday, August 2nd. We are looking forward to a special legislative session in November that the governor committed to call, because until there is meaningful tort reform, this market will continue to deteriorate.
We want to assure you that we are on track to maintain our financial strength, we have more reinsurance than is required, and we will continue to renew your existing book of business.
We will honor all quotes in the system until 8/31/2022 as long as they have a future effective date. Between now and Tuesday end-of-business, you must change the effective dates on your quotes and outstanding submitted applications currently in the system to a future effective date to be able to bind them after we are closed. We recommend changing the effective date to 8/31/2022 to utilize the maximum time to bind these policies.
No exceptions can be made to quotes with effective dates that have already passed.
Please go to pti.chat to contact an Underwriter with any questions.
THANK YOU for your continued partnership. I am looking forward to moving past this, seeing more meaningful legislative change in the fall, and to many more successful years ahead.
Thank you, Jonathan Hollander |