Dear Agency Partner,
The impact of another catastrophic storm has once again reminded us of our core mission – to help protect our insured’s most valuable asset, their home. We hope you and your policyholders are safe.
As we begin the journey to assist our policyholders in their recovery process, I want to assure you of our commitment to the state and to writing new policies.
With that, I am pleased to inform you that we have reopened writing new HO-3 policies per our original county list and lifted the underwriting binding restrictions on existing business. Additionally, we are now open for binding new HO-3 policies in Seminole, Orange, Lake, and Osceola Counties (fondly referred to as SOLO).
All homes in SOLO counties, regardless of age, must meet the PTI home inspection requirement within 21 days of binding. And please note that Underwriting may require a prebind inspection if a property was in the pathway of Hurricane Idalia.
Please click here or see below for a map of open counties, and click here for our underwriting guidelines.
Please click here to schedule a 15-minute refresher training session for you or your agency staff.
Thanks for your continued partnership.
Jonathan Hollander
Director of Agency Sales
Personalized Service, Customized Solutions
Agency Support: 561-235-7004
Agency Underwriting: 561-609-1001
Agency Underwriting: 1-561-609-1001 | Agency Support: 1-561-235-7004
People’s Trust Insurance Company
18 People’s Trust Way, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441