Congratulations to our partner agent WeInsure on their move to a new building in downtown Jacksonville! We hope they continue their exponential growth for many years to come!
Also, a big thank you to WeInsure for the wonderful painting that will hang proudly in our offices.

Have you used the My Account section of the agency website?
My Account gives you access to the latest agency-specific documentation such as bi-weekly retention reports, commission statements, and agency production reports.
If you need help accessing My Account, email agency support or Call us at 561-235-7004.
Bookmark this link now for future access:

Just in time for Hurricane Preparedness Week, we launched our updated 2021 Hurricane Guide, which includes vital information Florida homeowners need, including: ✓ Important Documents to Print It’s available now for download on the agency website:

Need to get in touch with us, but not sure who to contact for what?
We recently sent out an easy-to-print, downloadable PDF with important Agency contact information. It includes all the ways you can contact different departments, including email, chat or scheduling a Zoom meeting.
We’re including it here for those of you who may have missed it. We hope you’ll find this useful!

Whether you’re eager to return to in-person meetings or not, Zoom meetings will still be available. If the pandemic taught us one thing it’s that there will always be a way to meet.
Plus, reduced commuting time means we can meet with more of you in a given day. You can easily schedule a meeting online on our website:

What is a “UR”?
UR is short for underwriting referral. If a UR is generated, it must be reviewed by underwriting in order to bind.
How do you determine if there is a UR or if an application requires underwriting review?
Katie has the answer! Find out everything you need to know about URs in this video from our Training Library:

Did you know Florida homeowners can save money on their home insurance by adding a third nail into roof-to-wall connectors? Most homes in Florida built before 2002 only use two nails. But retrofitting your roof with a third nail can add about 200 extra pounds of lift protection to a roof, the difference between protection from a Category 1 hurricane to a Category 4.
Many roofers can add third nails to a roof for a flat rate. It may be worth the cost, depending on how much the upgrade would save on the home’s premium.